Happy Endings ->
Read about some of our recently adopted out basset hounds who are touching the lives of their new owners! Click on the -> to see more Happy Endings SWEENEY
I sometimes can't believe that it's now been more than a year since I adopted my beautiful Basset we now call Slinky Sue (or just Slink for short). In that time she has became a true staple within our family. Each time members of the Burnett clan gather at my house everyone wants to know, "Where's Slinky Sue?" Then, when she comes bounding around a corner, all eyes light up with love and excitement.
The Lyon Family Fledge (formerly Fred)
My sweet basset girl, adopted recently from NTBR, has moved in and taken over our house and my heart. Bonnie Belle has been given a new name. She was rechristened Magnolia Blossom as a good luck mascot for a Christian book manuscript Magnolia Monday. She answers (really) to Maggie and she has brought that good luck as the manuscript and writer (me) got good feedback and requests for chapters at the recent American Christian Fiction Writers Conference in Dallas. Maggie is now wearing a bandage on her front left leg to protect sutures after removal of cyst. She is playing poor pitiful me in true basset fashion, but is doing well. She loves the grandkids, still does not love other dogs and cats, which is fine since we don’t have any other pets, and eats like a real hungry hound. Also in typical basset fashion, she remembers her obedience training perfectly WHEN treats are involved. Otherwise, maybe, maybe not. She loves to go everywhere I go, especially in the car. Thank you, all who made this happy story possible. Dorothy Cummins, Oklahoma LUCY Lucy had her teeth cleaned this week and she has gained 8 lbs. since I got her in July. She's such a wonderful dog. I had my annual Christmas cards printed and as you can see Lucy, Tunes and Sadey are all in it with their Jingle Bell collars on.
I can't thank you enough for bringing Lucy into my life.
Happy Thanksgiving to you,
BUSTER Just wanted to let you know that sweet Buster is adjusting nicely to his new home. It feels like he's been here forever. It was only one day after his arrival that his "true" personality was revealed. He is so wonderful! He has never had an accident in the house, barks when he wants out, and loves to cuddle, go on walks, and receive belly rubs. I just adore this sweet boy and am so glad I am his mom. Because he is very attached to me, he was showing some signs of (problematic) jealously toward Birdie. I immediately addressed that problem by making him back off when she is receiving attention from me. He is such an obedient boy that he immediately backed off the first time I tried it. Now, he mostly stays away when I am petting her, but, if he does come to me, I just wave him away and say "uh uh!!". Birdie snaps at him when he gets too "personal" with her, but, that is happening less and less. Now they walk together side-by-side as if they are best buds.
Buster is the best dog ever and I feel so grateful to NTBHR for, once again, finding the perfect match for Birdie and me.
Thanks so much for taking care of my boy before he came to his forever home.
Debbie Morse
We are so thankful for Buddy. We love him dearly just as we love Abby whom we adopted from NTBHR a little over 2 years ago. When our 15 year old Basset, Sierra, passed away, Abby was soooo lonely and depressed. But no more! She and Buddy are stuck together like velcro - they do everything together! Chase squirrels, run in and out of the dog door, beg for snacks, take naps, and go on their daily walks around the neighborhood. They bring joy to our lives every day! Thank you NTBHR for everything you do! -Karen & Jason Steinbeck
"Rusty was so lonely after his big sister Rita passed away but when we saw Sunny Daze on the web-site we knew we should adopt her to cheer Rusty up. Sunny has done more than that. She has brought energy and joy to the house - Rusty and Sunny get along great and we are very happy Sunny is in our lives. Thanks NTBR! Paula and Ed DeYoung"
Wilson is very happy with his new sister and forever family!
Louis is doing great and settling in nicely!
Just wanted to say how much we love Charlie! He is an amazing addition to our family and has fit right in. We are truly thankful and feel blessed that he is now a big part of our family's life. Thank you so much for choosing us to be Charlie's forever home :)
Max was formerly Buster, NTBHR #1171, and is sure happy with his new family!
Cox Family
As you can see from the photos Lucy is adjusting well. She finally posed for a picture for me. I can't thank you enough for bringing her into my life.
I just wanted to let you know that Holly is doing well in her new home!!
She has been with us just 6 weeks now and it seems like she has been a part of our family forever. She is the perfect combination of sweet, spunky and sleepy. J
Her favorite game is playing soccer in the backyard with whoever will kick the ball for her. She watches out the window as the kids leave for school and is the first one to greet my husband when he comes home from work. A guard dog she is not since she is sure everyone and everything is her friend!! Except for the bugs that have the audacity to crawl across her back patio. At those, she barks and squashes with her big paws. J
We are so glad you worked with us to find the perfect dog for our family! It was well worth the wait.
The Criswell Family
Wanted to give a Happy ending story on Hamilton (aka Ranger)!
Ranger immediately fit into our home and our active lifestyle! Being an active Basset he gets along perfectly with our rescued Catahoula mix Harley. They love going on walks around our neighborhood and car rides to visit our family. After an active day of play they sun bathe and relax in the warmest part of our backyard. He is a fast learner and already knows to sit, drop it, and go to bed and even knows the front room is off limits :D Ranger is the biggest sweetie and loves to snuggle up to Harley and us. He is the perfect fit in our household, thank you so much NTBHA for letting Ranger find us and for giving a sweet basset hound a loving home Johnny & Jessica SCOOTER
Scooter has arrived and conquered! He plays with his new sister, ZOE, a golden retriever. Zoe is accustomed to 'going low' in play scuffles, but this proves difficult with Scooter. Scooter has displaced the cat and insists on sleeping on the bed with us, the cat has relocated to our daughter's bed and neither seem to mind. Scooter is a beggar/thief! Food is the name of the game and the nose knows! Tail high and happy Scooter investigates his large yard and contently naps on the sofa. Scooter does have a problem with his size, which he is not aware of, and will happily climb up on your chest to give kisses. We love the kisses, but we are working on better manners. All is well and we are looking forward to the Shuffle in September. Scooter has claimed our hearts as well as our furniture. He sings so pretty! BAXTER & BAILEY Hello to everyone at NTBHR. It’s Bailey and Baxter writing from ournew home. We miss everyone there,but must admit that we love it here. We have been going on walks everyday. Attached are a couple of pictures of us on a walk. As you can see, we usually walk as abrace, at least until we get to the park. Then we each get a separate leash or, if the ballfield is available,offleash. It didn’t take long toget used to walking as a brace, although it is a bit different. We have also been learning a few thingslike “sit” for treats and such. Our caretaker has a nice yard with a doggie door, so we get to roam thehouse and yard freely. There havealso been a lot of belly rubbing and tail wagging going on. It’s nice to have a place to callhome. Thank you all for takingcare of us and we hope that all our fellow bassets can find good homes too likeus. Take care. Life is good. Bailey & Baxter DASHER
To say that Dasher has completed my little family is a complete understatement. He's brought my other hound, Diesel, back to life and has proven to be the perfect compliment to Diesel. Dash is absolutely one of the sweetest animals I've ever met; nothing quite a like a cold nose and wet kiss when you roll over in the morning. He's been more than receptive to training and he's finally learning how to completely trust again. I couldn't possibly be happier with Dasher; he's a great dog. A very big thanks is due to NTBHR for setting me up with him and making the adoption process smooth and effortless. I've got a very good feeling that Diesel, Dasher, and I will have many, many happy days in the future. Thanks y'all! HONEY DOO We weren't trying to replace our darling Bassett Hound, Simka; who was our cherished pet for 15 years; we just love the breed and their hound dog ways. When I started volunteering at the county shelter, my husand, Jim said if I found a Bassett, bring her home. That was all I needed to hear and I immediately found the Bassett Rescue. We looked on line at the beautiful dogs available for adoption and were so excited! APRIL (AKA BELLA)
Ah, dear Bella, Don't look so sad. I know it's rough, The life you've had. But, God is good And he sees your heart, And he's given you A brand-new start. So, don't you worry And don't you fret, You'll be so loved That you'll forget. That's how it works. Love covers pain, And gives you hope To trust again. Welcome to the family , Bella. Now, turn that frown upside down. ~Melanie GUNNER
Wanted to give yall an update on our WONDERFUL basset boy, Gunner!He is doing AWESOME!! And has become our 4yr old Bonnie's lil buddy! (or big buddy being the big boy he is :)) They have so much fun playing soccer together, playing fetch and chase! I of coarse cant help but to join in with them also, looks to fun to only watch! We got him some new squeaky toys that he absolutly loves, and bonnie gets the biggest kick out of him flingin them around, and also when he is wrestling or playing tug-o-war with my husband.
loves our 4month old baby girl and seems to be more like a big brother to her, very gentle and makin sure to check in on her during nap time. We have been working on the command lay down with him and he has for the most part got it down, seems to be quick to learn, but does still have that typical basset stubborness when it comes to doing things in his own time, (like getting off the couch)My husband and I can't help but laugh though, especially when he gives us that look and we just know what he is thinking. Each day that goes by we just love this hound that much more! Our family just seems complete now that Gunner has come into our lives and we can not thank NTBHR and Gunner's foster parents enough for giving him the
second chance
to find us! AUGIE (aka DURANGO)
Hi, my name is Augie. I’ve been living in my new home for 6 weeks, and I think I’m going to be spoiled for another 15 years! Before I tell you about me, I wanna thank my mom, Millie Grace for having me, and my foster mom, Stacy “Grace” for taking care of me during my formative weeks. I’d also like to thank Chloe, and Clara for making my Mom and Dad love Bassets so much they had to have me. LILLY
Hi, everyone! Mike and I just wanted to update you guys on the status of beautiful Lilly (we now call her Sedona). She is just the most perfect addition to our family. She and Laika, our other Bassett Hound, get along great - bickering, playing, snuggling and loving like sisters should! I have attached a couple of pictures of them both.
loves her new home and we love having her as part of our family. She is growing so fast! Her favorite things are
ice cubes
, her squeaky squirrel and the special frozen
peanut butter
snacks they get after our walks. She's doing great and we thank you for bringing her to us! Thank you so much for doing what you do. You guys are "pawfully" special. :) HARLEY (aka LUCKY)
Harley (aka Lucky) is completely smitten with our daughter Scarlett. :)
She is so excited that he follows her around everywhere. They lay on the couch together, sit in the chair together etc..
Sunny has adapted to him, too, he is so low key. He lets her take things out of his mouth and you can almost see him say "oh well, there she goes again." She is definitely the dominate one in the relationship.
We have kept to the schedule of feeding twice a day and having him "sit" when he eats. She is getting used to the schedule too. He is still leary about going outside at night but is getting better about that. Has not cried once when he goes in his crate at night.
I was suprised that he would let you get right in his face and snuggle with him but like I said, he is so low key it's unbelievable ! He is really fitting in with our family.
The other night he was asleep in the chair and my husband got on his knees and went over and cuddled him and talked to him and Harley just looked at him like "I'm so glad I'm part of this family".
Thank you so much for taking care of him until we could find him.
I wanted to tell you we love Roxie so much. She is easy going and perfect for our family. We actually renamed her Ruby, but it's all worked out just fine. She and Ben get along great. We groom her every two weeks usually, she's in great health and we walk a couple times a day in the neighborhood. Between she and Ben, I have someone on or under my heels whenever I am home. We could not be happier. She's learned to ring the bell when she wants to go outside and has no more accidents (knock on wood) in the house. The only problem we have not broken is she'll chew up a small toy of Ben's from time to time, but nothing major. Just wanted to send you an update and a picture of Ruby and Ben in his little tent we set up in his room. She snuck in one morning and Ben thought he'd join her. Thanks again! Chris, Cort, Ben and Ruby PRINCESS ATTA
Hallo everyone at NTBHR, this be Anna the Eater (I used to be Princess Atta), woofing in to tell everybody about my new family and home. I has two sisters , Gracie and Holly, and the three of us and our kitty-cat sister Patty be known as the Ladybugs. In this picture is Sister Holly, then memememe Sister Anna in front, then Sister Gracie. I is very proud to be a Ladybug , is a good thing to be. Us Ladybugs chases squirrels, and protects the front and back yard and the neighborhood from evil things. My Mama says I is her Official Greeter – that means I loves everybody, all the peoples and all the animals, me not care, I greets everyone who comes to our house. If they be dogs or kitties I sniff noses and rumps and has lots of fun, and if they be peoples I asks them for pets. I likes getting pets. I likes pets almost as much as I likes food, and I likes food LOTS! Wanna see a picture of me and my Grandpa? He was visiting and I crawled up in his lap and gived him lost of snuggles and loves and then both of us goes to sleep. I is good at snuggles and loves, too. Gots to go now, us Ladybugs has to go bark at the Mama so she takes we out for walks, and for squirrel check. Love and snooter kissies to everyone at NTBHR -- Anna the Eater, the Official Greeter at Our House. Anita Woodrum NAOMI
Levi (formerly Zippy) is a delight to have in our home. He has filled out, looks good, and is just about housebroken. Levi is no longer afraid of everyone and everything. He enjoys greeting friends and family, but he also has begun to claim the house as his, barking to let us know if anyone is approaching the house. He loves to play and to run through the house carrying one of his favorite toys. Levi is sweet, curious, comical, loving, and friendly. He likes to snuggle and to have his belly and ears rubbed. What a joy he is! Ann WINSTON (aka SAM)
Brian and I wanted to write and let you know how Winston (Sam) is getting along in his new home. We love him! He is so spoiled we have 3 doggie beds in the house so he can snuggle up wherever he wants. His favorite is the huge pillow on the couch so we can scratch is belly while we watch a movie. He even has a bed at my mom's house so he can take a nap there. Brian says he get so tired from sleeping he has to take a nap. :) He takes a (slow) walk daily and loves Greenies treats! For a hound he's pretty quiet except when I leave, then my husband says he whines and pouts until I get home. He's learning to play chase down the hallway and when he's down jumps on the couch and rolls on his back for some love. We are looking forward to our first Christmas with him and his stocking has the gifts to prove it! Thanks for taking care of him until he found his forever home with us. We love him! Enjoy Winston in his Christmas finery. DAISEY Just wanted to send in our official "thank you" for introducing us to Daisey. She adapted quickly, even joining us at my in-laws for Thanksgiving dinner. What a well behaved girl! It's hard to believe she has become such an important member of the family is so short a time. My stepsons love getting their hugs from her and giving her belly rubs in return. SHELBY ANN
Shelby Ann absolutely warmed up to Curley and follows him everywhere he goes. (He really likes the company.) She is getting some of her Basset-ness back and is becoming more curious when we have guests or pass people and dogs on the walking trail. She knows which one is her pillow and when it's time to go walking. We all have fallen in love with her and enjoy being a family of 4. PEGGY SUE
Peggy Sue is doing great. Here are a few pictures. One is of her and Trooper (our other dog) on the stairs looking at whatever in the front yard. It is one of their spots. Another is of her and Luke. She likes to go to sleep around 8:00 at night! Another is of her by the pool. She always drinks out of it. And the last one is of her in the back yard in her squirrel watching spot. She would go after them all day long with Trooper but I don't let them out before 10:00 so they don't bother the neighbors with their barking! Thanks again!!! SNICKERS
Just a quick note to let you know that Snickers has immediately become a cherished member of our family. She is, at the moment, sleeping on my feet under my desk in my office at home. When she’s not here, she can be found snoring on the couch, in one of the many dog beds throughout the house, or outside, basking in our yard with our other basset Franklin and our Chihuahua Olive. Snickers is eating like a champ, enjoying the occasional treat, hasn’t had any accidents at all in the house, and has been a great influence on our Chihuahua puppy Olive—who also hasn’t had an indoor accident since Snickers arrived. They are all fast friends and spend hours playing and romping! Franklin, our 12 year old basset hound, even rests his head on her Snicker’s butt—which is a sign of endearment from him! My 3 teenage kids, my husband and I are deeply in love with this beautiful, gentle little hound, who loves to snuggle up close and then have her belly rubbed. I can’t imagine how she found her way into the rescue, but I’m happy to have found her! Alisa and Joel Baum JIM DANDY
Jim Dandy, or J.D. as we like to call him, is the happiest boy in the neighborhood. Not long after moving in with his adopted sister, Penelope (also a basset), and his new mommy, Monica (human), he discovered his new best friend and daddy, Greg (human). He loves his whole family, but his daddy really is the apple of his eye. He follows Greg everywhere and is a sweet and good natured boy who is always happy and wagging his tail. ANNA
There just aren’t the words to describe how happy we are and how much we love Anna. We adopted Anna from NTBHR on January 1, 2009. Anna just fit right into our lives like she had been there for years. She gets along well with our son, Nate, and is just as patient as can be with his four-year-old boy antics.
Anna’s Mom The Family Michael, Sandra, Nate, and AnnaDIXIE
Thought you might like to see how Dixie is accepting her new home. She has taken over everything. She's just so lovable and anyone who sees her agrees. Eddie has given her some his space but still gets a bit testy. Between the two of them Dixie is the loudest and has the biggest and deepest howl. The one thing that scares Dixie is loud noise from
thunder storms
and fireworks. She tucks her tail and runs for help. She shutters and her teeth chatter it's cute but hold her and love her so she knows everything will be ok.
Other than the small bumps in the road she is so happy and content here.
Pam & Dave